Kelly Slater recently won an astounding 9th World Championship title. Surfing performance has never been higher, and Slater wins it all by completely dominating the season. At age 36, he is the oldest surfer on the tour and the oldest ever to win it.
Now granted, Slater is a freak of nature, but his performance and his age raises an interesting gambit: You can surf at your better as you get older! Here at Surf Stronger HQ, the average age is about 36, so we certainly believe this!
Here are our three tips to surf better as you age:
1. Train. When your not surfing, you should be cross training for surfing. As we like to say, "better fitness equals better surfing." Of course surf-specific training is the way to go. (See our
Surf Stronger videos for more)
2. Surf! This is obvious, but the more you surf, the better you'll get. Also, try a variety of conditions and boards. The variety will help your surfing.
3.Watch surfing: Videos, contests, webcasts, your local surf spot, and yourself. Get yourself taped and see how you really look out there and how can you improve it. Compare your surfing to the best surfers and notice how they use their bodies to make elegant powerful turns. Watch where they bend their knees, move their feet, and how they use their arms and shoulders to direct where they are going. You will get better.
Here's to surfing stronger as you age.

9 time world champ, Kelly Slater.