The Surf Stronger Crew was in LA over the weekend at the 2nd Annual Surfer's Fitness Forum. The morning started out at a local beachie where the crew enjoyed a few waves before making it over to the forum. It was a lively morning at
Riviera Fitness Club with a great turnout of surfers all keen to learn the latest in surf fitness. Coach Scott took the group through the fundamentals of Core Training for surfing -- what is the core, why is it critical to your surfing, and key exercises for improving core strength. It was a dynamic and fun seminar!
Thanks all for coming out and special thanks to Dave Olan for organizing and hosting a great event.
The Surf Stronger crew is available to conduct seminars or training camps at your club, beach, etc. If you are interested, drop us an email at

(Scott, Rocky, Noel, Peggy, Todd)